Ceteris paribus på svenska SV,EN lexikon Tyda


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Hypothesis 3b: There will be a   Another attribute of a bond that influences its interest rate is its liquidity. The more the liquid an asset, the more desirable it is (ceterus paribus). Treasury bonds are   Jun 11, 2016 of Economics, economists have understood causality as a ceterus paribus comparison: the causal effect of variable A on variable B is the  Mar 15, 2020 Moreover, we would ceterus paribus think that the negative supply-side effects of the coronavirus would increase inflation. 3.

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Ceteris paribus (z lat. pri rovnakom ostatnom alebo pričom ostatné je nezmenené) je latinský výraz používaný najmä vo vede a vsúvaný do viet na vyjadrenie, že všetky ostatné podmienky či okolnosti okrem tých, ktoré sa spomínajú v danej vete, považujeme za nezmenené. Pengertian Ceteris Paribus. Sebenarnya, ceteris paribus adalah sebuah peribahasa latin yang artinya with all other things equal atau ketika semua kondisi lainnya sama. . Artinya, ketika seorang mengatakan ceteris paribus, maka diasumsikan semua variabel lain dianggap ceteris paribus를 전제로 하는 설명은, 실제 현실에서는 다른 모든 조건들이 변하지 않을 정도의 "짧은 시간" 만큼만 현실을 잘 설명할 수 있다. 만일 그 이상의 장기적인 현상을 설명할 때에는 필연적으로 현실과 멀어지게 된다.

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- Full control over fundamental value, information, risk, timing … - Ceterus paribus test of the role of earnings autocorrelation. 2) Religion: ceteris paribus (Latin for "other things being equal", if all other relevant things, factors, alius; ceterus; reliquus (Alexandrea reliquaque Aegyptus);.

Ceterus paribus

Ceteris paribus - Ekonomifakta

Ceterus paribus

Ceteris-paribus (CP) profiles show how a model’s prediction would change if the value of a single exploratory variable changed.

Ceterus paribus

A utilização do Ceteris Paribus é muito importante, pois simplifica os estudos que incluem uma infinidade bastante grande de variáveis. Ceteris paribus (forme complète : ceteris paribus sic stantibus) est une locution latine se traduisant par : « toutes choses étant égales par ailleurs ». Elle est utilisée, par exemple, en méthodologie, en philosophie analytique, en philosophie du langage, en sciences sociales ou encore en sciences économiques, quand dans un modèle théorique l'influence de la variation d'une 2021-04-19 · caeteris paribus; cæteris paribus; cet. par. c.p. Etymology . From New Latin cēterīs, the ablative case plural of cēterus (“ the other ”), + pāribus, the ablative case plural of pār (“ equal ”).
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Ceterus paribus

av L Lindberger · 1952 — Still assuming that pc = pi = p a ceteris paribus increase in p may lower the volume of employment, thus having "a multiplier effect, similar to that associated with  av R Turvey · 1952 — Ceteris paribus a fall in pc will raise national income by shifting the consumption Still assuming that pc = pi = p a ceteris paribus increase in p may lower the  Der lateinische Ausdruck ceteris paribus (Abkürzung c. p. oder cet. par.) bedeutet wörtlich „bei gleichen sonstigen [Dingen oder Umständen]“.

Cæterīs pāribus, frecuentemente escrita como caeterīs, cēterīs o céteris páribus, es una locución latina que significa literalmente «Siendo el resto de las cosas iguales». Ceteris significa ‘el resto, lo demás’ y páribus significa ‘igual’.
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Ceteris paribus. I J. Davis, W. Hands, & U. Mäki (Red.), The Handbook of Economic Methodology (s.

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Ceteris Paribus, também conhecido como Coeteris Paribus é um conceito da Economia, que traduzido para o português significa, “todo o mais constante”.