Motsatsen till altruism - Motsatsordbok


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altruistically. alum/SM. alumina/M. aluminum/M. alumna/M. alumnae. alumni antonym/SM.

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1. altruism.

Altruism antonym

Aachen/A A-aktie/EAI Aalborg/A Aaliyah/A Aalto/A Aapua/A

Altruism antonym

Altruism pannakse esimesest eluaastast, kui lapsed näitavad vastastikust abi ja koostööd, mida neid ei õpetata. Kuid umbes viie aasta vanuselt jõustuvad sotsiaalsed suhted. Kuna lapsepõlves ja noorukieas saab ennustada tulevast heatahtlikkust ja prosotsiaalset käitumist, võivad vanemad soovida välja töötada kõrged moraalsed standardid, neil on selged reeglid ja oodata nende lastelt Anarcho-Altruism is not favorable of "Tankies"— I.e Marxism, Leninism, Stalinism and find such idealogy antithetical to its ideals. History [edit | edit source] The word "altruism" originated from French philosopher, Auguste Comte as altruisme, an antonym of Altruism is an antonym of egoism. As nouns the difference between egoism and altruism is that egoism is the tendency to think of self and self-interest while altruism is regard for others, both natural and moral without regard for oneself; devotion to the interests of others; brotherly kindness; selflessness–opposed to egoism or selfishness.

Altruism antonym

Antonyms for altruism. 28 synonyms for altruism: selflessness, charity, consideration, goodwill, generosity, self-sacrifice, philanthropy, benevolence, magnanimity, humanitarianism. What are synonyms for altruism? Thesaurus for Altruism. Thesaurus for. Altruism. Hold to adjust.
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Altruism antonym

opponent. stingy. Synonymer till altruism. Ditt sökord ×. Välj ordbok.

altruism, oegennytta, osjälviskhet, självuppoffring, idealism; barmhärtighet, empati, hjälpsamhet, kärlek till nästan; solidaritet; I betydelsen (definition): själviskhet, egennytta Synonymer till altruism. Ditt sökord ×.
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For instance, the empathy-altruism hypothesis states that the key ingredient for being helpful is empathic concern. According to research, both values may also be taught. For example, mindfulness, socio-affective skills training, and cognitive flexibility courses […] 2018-05-21 Qual é o oposto de Altruism?

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Contexts . . Opposite of a benevolent or charitable regard for others. Opposite of the state or quality of being munificent or generous.