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Anna Mauranen is Professor of English. She has directed the compilation of the spoken ELFA corpus and the written WrELFA corpus of academic ELF. Her latest book, Exploring ELF: Academic English shaped by non-native speakers (2012), reports her findings from the ELFA corpus. The ELFA project investigates English as an academic lingua franca. It branches out ot two subprojects: (1) the ELFA corpus project and (2) SELF (Studying in English as a lingua franca). The Helsinki Korp Version of the ELFA Corpus The Downloadable Version of the Finnish Broadcast Corpus Co-funded by the 7th Framework Programme and the ICT Policy Support Programme of the European Commission through the contracts T4ME (grant agreement no.: 249119), CESAR (grant agreement no.: 271022), METANET4U (grant agreement no.: 270893) and META-NORD (grant agreement no.: 270899). The contributors of individual corpus descriptions are listed at the bottom of the front page for that corpus, along with the date of submission for first entry as well as those of subsequent additions or revisions. CoRD co-ordinator: Tanja Säily.
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24 Mar 2021 Travel with us to Helsinki for the #11 Episode of Frozen Music. We'll explore Oodi , the modern Central Library located opposite the Finnish 15 May 2014 (BNC), and in a spoken corpus of higher intermediate to advanced learners It was compiled by the ELFA project at the University of Helsinki. 5 Apr 2021 doctoral defense discussions from the ELFA corpus. in the context of the University of Tampere, the University of Helsinki, Tampere. Lingua Franca (ELFA project) started in 2001 at the University of Helsinki by. Professor Anna Mauranen. Studies on the ELFA corpus (a 1 million word corpus.
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Use the filters to view a specific selection of corpora. This paper considers the English native speaker (NS) as a participant in English as lingua franca (ELF) speech events. ELF corpora such as the University of Helsinki’s Corpus of English as a Lingua Franca in Academic Settings, or ELFA corpus, provide opportunities to study NS interaction with ELF users. These additional 67,390 words of text further skew the blogs corpus toward the natural sciences, but there was never a question of balancing this subcorpus; the genre of research blogging is far more active in the sciences, and only five blogs were found from the social sciences or humanities that met our compilation principles.
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"The Corpus of English as Lingua Franca in Academic Settings". TESOL Quarterly 37 (3), 513-527. Research.
Contents 4.1 THE ELFA CORPUS
The ELFA project investigates academic discourses using English as a lingua franca. The main foci are university discourses, and the chief achievement so far is the 1-million-word ELFA corpus of spoken academic discourse. The project as a whole branches out to other academic discourses and supplements corpus work with other approaches. ELFA project and its daughter projects: the ELFA corpus and the SELF project.3 Contributions have been invited from researchers working in the projects as well as from other members of the team who have been at different stages in their studies. It is based at the University of Helsinki, with Professor Anna Mauranen as the director. The project investigates academic discourses, and branches out into two parts: one is the ELFA (English as a Lingua Franca in Academic Settings) corpus project, its major achievement being the 1-million-word ELFA corpus of spoken academic discourse. Välkommen till Elfa!
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av J Airey · 2009 · Citerat av 271 — technical university, Björkman (2008a, 2008b) has collected a corpus of 70 English as an academic lingua franca - the ELFA project. Mayer Helsinki: Edita. LABQUALITY OY, FI01100791, Kumpulantie 15, FI-00520 HELSINKI 1108, 20005813, Noll Corpus, Dansproduktioner, SE769610314701 1405, 251215-0, ELFA AB, SE556275497701, ELEKTRONIKHÖJDEN 14, BOX Alexi Laiho Intervju (Helsinki Metal Meeting 2010) · 2014-07-19 Corpus Mortale (Aalborg Metal Festival 2011) Elfas Singers (Jazz Traffic Festival 2017).
http://www.helsinki.fi/elfa/elfacorpus (accessed on 15. Following is a list of text corpora in various languages.
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Please note that this corpus contains personal data. The ELFA team is a part of the Changing English (ChangE) consortium, funded by the Academy of Finland from 2014 to 2017.
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Altogether, the ELFA (English as a Lingua Franca in Academic Settings) corpus contains 1 million words of transcribed spoken academic ELF (approximately 131 hours of recorded speech). … The Helsinki LAT Version of the ELFA Corpus Co-funded by the 7th Framework Programme and the ICT Policy Support Programme of the European Commission through the contracts T4ME (grant agreement no.: 249119), CESAR (grant agreement no.: 271022), METANET4U (grant agreement no.: 270893) and META-NORD (grant agreement no.: 270899). The speech events in the corpus include both monologic events, such as lectures and presentations (33% of data), and dialogic/polylogic events, such as seminars, thesis defences, and conference discussions, which have been given an emphasis in the data (67%). Figure 1. Monologues and dialogues in ELFA. Figure 2.