Postdoktor i ekonomisk historia/historisk demografi - Lunds


Martin Önnerfors's research works Lund University, Lund LU

Verified email at Articles Cited by. Title. Sort. Sort by citations Sort by year Sort by title. Lund studies in economic Martin Dribe's 94 research works with 1,675 citations and 5,910 reads, including: SES differences in marital fertility widened during the fertility transition—evidence from global micro-level Martin Dribe, PhD. Professor, Department of Economic History. Director, Centre for Economic Demography.

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Centre for Economic Demography . Department of Economic History . Lund University . P.O. Box 7083 .

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Lunds lasercentrum, LLC. Lunds universitets centrum för riskanalys och Martin Dribe. Professor, Ekonomisk-historiska institutionen Professor, Centrum för ekonomisk demografi.

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Martin Dribe, Lunds universitet

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Abstract . All over the developed world there is a SES gradient in health and mortality for adults. These Centre for Economic Demography and Department of Economic History, Lund University Martin Dribe Centre for Economic Demography and Department of Economic History, Lund University Abstract A growing empirical and theoretical literature has investigated to what extent socioeconomic My profile in Lund University research portal. Sidansvarig 2018-12-11. Special Area. Centrum för ekonomisk ‪Lund University‬ - ‪‪Citerat av 3 523‬‬ Martin Dribe.

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Lund University. Authors: Dribe, Martin1 Demography and Department of Economic History, Lund University, P.O. Box 7083, 220 07 Lund, Sweden Gabriel's research within the Landskrona Population Study (PI Martin Dribe) at the Centre for Economic Demography of Lund University merges tools of family  Senior lecturer (lektor), Dept. of Economic History, Lund University.
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Adress: Bredgatan 14, Postnummer: 222 21 - Hitta mer här! Martin Lund 072-182 50 Visa.

Lund University. Search for more papers by this author. Paul Nystedt.
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Demografins grunder, Martin Dribe; Maria Stanfors, SNS

Där arbetade han framför allt med cancerkirurgi och akutkirurgi. Förutom specialist i kirurgi är han även specialist i Hyperbar och Navalmedicin och dykläkare ackrediterad av EDTC (European diving technology committee). Kontaktuppgifter till Tandläkare Martin Janda, AB LUND, adress, telefonnummer, se information om företaget. Kontaktinformation. E-post martin.malmstrom se. Besöksadress Sölvegatan 16, MNO-huset, Lund Postadress Box 117, 221 00 Lund Internpost hämtställe 11 Visa profiler för personer som heter Martin Lund.